Looking for a Danish PR agency to get publicity in Denmark? This is the place
PrXpress is a PR agency in Denmark, that can help you enter the Danish market or any other type of strategic communication. We do everything from campaigns to press releases, product launches, corporate communication and professional handling of your media crisis.
Just need an overview? We guide you where to go
Maybe you are on the lookout for a highly specialized PR agency, and prXpress might not be the right firm for your exact task at hand. In such cases, we can connect you to a hand-picked list that fits your exact needs among the many other specialized agencies in Denmark.
Your way in to Danish newspapers and TV
We have access to all Danish media with a wide network of journalists at hand, and promise a positve cost benifit ratio of press coverage compared to many other PR agencies in Denmark.
Avoid the typical mistakes: Adjust to the Danish culture
Every culture is unique, and the Danish way of doing PR can be slightly different than others, and e.g. differs from the typical American way. The size of the public sector has a vast impact on expectations to companies, while also the Danish ‘Jantelov’ makes it more difficult for large corporations to communicate the way they are used to – putting them at potential risk of being seen as extremely arrogant. We advice you how to manage and avoid the common mistakes that foreign cultures do in their communication in Denmark.
Want to know more about how to get the right PR agency in Denmark?
Contact us today on phone +45 41423635 or email mark@prxpress.dk to get an offer or advice now.
***Updated 24th of June 2015: PrXpress have merged with Hessellund Consult to Kemp & Kjær – be sure to have a visit, we’ve only gotten better – read our Danish PR Agency page 🙂
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